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25.11.2017 kell 09:00 - 26.11.2017 kell 18:00
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Juhendaja: Sudheer P.Niet (Hollandist)
25.-26. November 2017, alates 09:00,TAO Keskuses (Rotermanni 2, Tallinn)
(In English please see below)
Zen on kunst kuidas lahti lasta välisest maailmast ning puhata meie endi “Hara” keskuses.
Hara on jaapani keelne nimi kirjeldamaks keskust, mis on naba all, u. 5 cm allpool naba…
Hara on keskus, kus elu saab alguse ning kus lõpeb. See on meie eheda olemuse kodu, kus asub tasakaal, intuitsioon, teadlikkus – meie eluenergiakeskus.
Lubades endal lahti lasta ning olla kontaktis ümbritseva maailmaga läbi teadlikkuse, mitte läbi mõistuse, annab meile sügava ühenduse eksistentsiga. Lahti laskmine saab rohkem ja rohkem lihtsamaks ja loomulikuks: olles maailmas aga maailm ei ole meis.
Õppides seda oskust ning kunsti on see meie elus meile suureks abiks, me ei ole enam saareke vaid osa kogu eksistentsist: me oleme vajatud just nagu puud ja linnud.
Omandades elu jooksul oskuse lahti lasta aitab see meil ka surres lahti lasta, me võime hakata surma teisiti väärtustama; kui ülimat lõõgastust ning see lahti laskmine võib olla isegi suurim orgasm!
Et kogeda, tunda ja õppida seda kunsti koosneb kursus OSHO aktiivsetest meditatsioonidest, mis aitavad meil vabaneda pingetest; ning spetsiaalsed meditatsioonid, mis õpetavad meile välisest maailmast lahti laskmist ning lõõgastumist meie Hara keskusesse. Loomulikult on kursusel ka tantsimist ja jagamist!
Nende kahe päeva haripunkt on OSHO Bardo – juhitud meditatsioon, mis on spetsiaalselt väljatöötatud selleks, et õppida ja kogeda lahti laskmist, mis aitab meid meie igapäevaelus ning samuti ka viimasel lahti laskmisel surres.
Tule ja koge midagi täiesti uut!
Kursusel on tõlge eesti keelde.
Osalustasu: 195 eur
Kuna kohtade arv on väga piiratud siis eelregisteerimine on vajalik! Registreerimiseks tuleb tasuda 30 eur ettemaksuna (pangakonto EE312200221061424064, Saaja: Semivita OÜ), ülejäänud saab tasuda kohapeal. Ettemaksu ei tagastata.
Ülekande selgitusse palun märkida osaleja nimi ja kursuse nimi.
L, 25.11 – 09:00 – 18:00
P, 26.11 – 09:00 – 18:00
Sudheer P.Niet on pikaajaliste kogemustega juhendaja ja õpetaja. Üle 35 aasta on Sudheer aidanud sadu inimesi. Tehnikad, mida ta õpetab, võimaldavad saada teadlikumaks iseendast ja kõigist eluaspektidest, nautida ja tunda rõõmu igast päevast ja elada totaalsusega, minna sügavale meditatsioonis ja lõõgastuda ka pingelistes olukordades. Sudheer viib läbi kursusi üle kogu maailma: USA-s, Inglismaal, Hispaanias, Hollandis, Hiinas, Jaapanis, Indias.
Lisainfo juhendaja kohta (sh ka osalejate tagasisde ning videomaterjal): http://oshoestonia.ee/juhendajad/sudheer-p-niet/
Facilitator: Sudheer P.Niet
25.-26th of November 2017, from 9:00 am, in TAO Center (Rotermanni 2, Tallinn)
Participation fee: 195 eur
Zen is the art of letting go of the outside world and resting in our center, the “hara”.
Hara is the Japanese name for the center just below the navel, two inches below the navel… and becoming aware of this center is tremendously helpful.
It is from the hara that life begins and it is in the hara that life ends. All our body centers are far away — the hara is exactly in the center: that is where we are balanced and rooted. So once we become aware of the hara, it will create a great centering of our life energies.
Remembering the hara will give us a spontaneous discipline; there will be less thinking, more awareness.
This letting go and connecting with the world around us through awareness, instead of through thinking will give us a deep connectedness with existence, a deep understanding.
Once we can experience this oneness, letting go becomes more and more easy and natural: being in the world, but the world is not in us.
In life this is a great help and deeply relaxing, we are no more an island, but part of existence: we are needed, just like the trees and the birds.
Learning to let go in life will help us to let go in death too; death is also part of life!
Slowly as we become less fearful of death, we can even start appreciating death: it is the ultimate relaxation, and that letting go can even become the greatest orgasm!
Practically we will be doing OSHO Active Meditations, to help letting go of tensions; we will do specific meditations for letting go of the outside world and relaxing into our center, the hara.
The culmination of these two days is the OSHO Bardo, a guided meditation, specifically designed to help letting go, in our daily life as well as in the final letting go into death.
Of course there will be dancing and singing and sharing and fun too!!!
As there is limited number of places, it is necessary to register in advance!
To register please pay the advance payment of 30 eur to bank account (EE312200221061424064, Semivita OÜ). The rest of the participation fee can be paid on the site, in cash. Prepayment is non refundable. Please write your name and the name of the course in bank payment.
Time schedule:
S, 25.11 – 09:00 am – 6:00 pm
S, 26.11 – 09:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sudheer P. Niet is an experienced meditator and teacher of meditation. Over the past thirty-five years he has personally used many different meditation techniques and has helped hundreds of people to get the knack of meditation. In addition he is a certified Hypnotherapist and over the past eighteen years he has been involved in the management of the Osho International Meditation Resort, Pune, India. Sudheer is the co-director with Maneesha James of the Sammasati Project.
He’s workshops are happening all over the world, including in US, England, Spain, Netherlands, Japan, China, Baltics, India etc.
All courses are designed to help integrate relaxation and awareness in your
daily life; „Self-Hypnosis for relaxation“, „Inner Skills for Work and
Life“,“Bringing Meditation into your Daily Activities“ , OSHO Meditation Training
– for facilitators, OSHO meditative therapies etc.
Sudheer received training in self-hypnosis from Dr. Brian Alman, a student of
Milton Erickson, M.D., the father of modern hypnosis.
He studied NLP and Hypnosis at the ‘Stichting voor Hypno-, Gedrags- en
Verbaaltherapie’ with H. Hoenderdos, who trained with Richard Bandler, one of
the developers of Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP.